Bon Appeteach Book Club- Summer 2018

Bon Appeteach Book Club

Bon Appeteach Book Club- Summer 2018:

If you follow me over on Instagram, you probably have heard me mention my new summer blog series called, Bon Appeteach Book Club. Let me start out by saying, this has nothing to do with reading…. and everything to do with drinking (responsibly of course). It’s summer, schools out, and I’ve got 14 weeks of chill coming my way (Not really because I also blog full time, but it’s not really work if it’s your passion right?).  So let’s talk about this whole “book club thing”.

This is NOT your standard book club.

Book club is teacher code. I live in a world where acronyms rule my life such as: IEP, ABA, PLC…so why not BYOB too? “Book Club” started during my student teaching placement. This was where myself and my fellow 21 year old teachers-to-be would go out on Friday’s for pizza and cheap beer and continue to pat each other on the back for surviving another week. “Book Club” was our code word when were at school so we could freely make plans without drawing attention to ourselves (we taught high school…think about it). This experience inspired this summer series, and I thought I would take you all along with me.

Now, I know most of you are probably not teachers, but it is still summer. We ALL want to enjoy summer. So, why not enjoy it with a classic cocktail?

Summer 2018 will kick off with Classic Novels and Classic Cocktails!

Meaning, every Friday I will share a classic cocktail (either original or with a twist) that was inspired by one of the many books you may have read throughout your educational career. The summer series will run for 14 weeks,  I will share 14 books, and showcase 14 cocktails (no, did you not read that we aren’t actually reading these books…)! I will kick off the first book of the series tomorrow and share the recipe here for you. You can find all my Bon Appeteach Book Club recipes under the added tab at the top of my website for easy browsing

So, I hope you join me for some classic summertime fun for this Bon Appeteach Book Club- Summer 2018 series!

Bon Appeteach,


P.S- To my low carb readers, I will do my best to share low carb substitutions and options for these drinks as well!

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